Prepare to Explore!

Get your explorer’s gear ready, and strap on that safari hat! We’re embarking on a wild expedition through the heart of the jungle!


Day 1


Lesson Focus:

 Creation — head back to the beginning of the universe.

Bible Passages:

Genesis 1, 1:1

Day 2

Corruption & Catastrophe

Lesson Focus:

Next come Corruption and Catastrophe as sin enters the world and affects everyone.

Bible Passages:

Genesis 3, 6-9
Psalm 14:3

Day 3


Lesson Focus:

Confusion — checks out the world-altering events that began at the tower of Babel.

Bible Passages:

Genesis 11, 11:9

Day 4

Christ & the Cross

Lesson Focus:

Christ and the Cross are the next stops. The gospel is shared today.

Bible Passages:

John 1:12

Day 5


Lesson Focus:

Consummation — shows that God wins, and all goes back to very good again.

Bible Passages:

Revelation 21-22, 21:4

For Parents

Vacation Bible School is for kids age 2 through 6th grade.

Click the registration link below to sign your kids up.

For Volunteers

For the saftey of both the children and our volunteers we require all adults to have the proper clearances on file to volunteer for  VBS.

The following link takes you to our online consent form.  Fill the form out and we’ll take care of everything else.

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