Not for yourself, O church, do you exist, any more than Christ existed for himself.
Charles Spurgeon
Steve Rebert
Lead Pastor
Steve Rebert is the Senior Pastor here at Slate Belt Church. Steve grew up in Winchester, Virginia, and met his wife, Sarah, while attending college in Florida. He and Sarah have four children: Leah, Jack, Luke, and Ross. When not working at church, Pastor Rebert enjoys Penn State football, woodworking, hunting and fishing.
Pastor Rebert is firmly committed to the expository method of preaching, believes God’s glory is the purpose for our existence, and recognizes discipleship as God’s plan for the church.
John Miller – Head Deacon
Frank Cullen – Secretary
Adam Livingston
Mike Broniszewski
Reeder Young
Ron Edelman
Ted Cooper
Administrative Assistant
Leah Rebert
Financial Secretary
Jeff Cooper